Category Archives: Week 4



AIDS-ey REM singer Michael Stipe has always looked a bit peaky, but is it enough to shove him through the door of life down into the deep, dark wine cellar of death? Let’s wait and see, eh?

Predictor: Alistair Reid, Brighton
Mortality Status: Alive

Stipe Cemetery.





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January 14, 1979 · 1:04 pm

End of Sync?

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Experiments w/ a Bullsear (Test continued)





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January 15, 1977 · 5:13 am







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Steptoe Series 01

The little collage series I’m presently calling Steptoe, forming *very* quickly in the last couple of days, could be over and done with except for polishing up some of the pictures. I’m going to start analyzing the results.

Collage 01


This is supposedly the band Story Room in their geometric masks, posing on a Washington state road with Steptoe Butte in the distance. Hucka D. also states that Steptoe Butte is the name of the sometimes lead singer of the band, which is a kind of play on Michael Stipe of the REMs, who figure into Carrcass-10. Already confused? I sorta am too so bear with me. The three band members of Story Room also don different colored disguises… but what I’m initially confused about is as follows. The yellow figure is most strongly established, representing Tom’s Petty High, a variant band of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers used in Carrcass-10. So let’s back up again to a *Collage 00*.


This particular collage, the actual first such creation of the new series if expanded this way, is a cartoon-ish representation of a scene in The Shining where Danny is playing with his toy vehicles on a geometric Overlook Hotel rug. Suddenly a yellow ball rolls in from the bottom of the screen (depicted as yellow-green in the cartoon). Where did it come from? Danny calls for his mother, thinking or hoping she is playing with him. The door to Room 237 down the hall, formerly locked, stands open and ready for entry. So that’s the center of the collage — Danny playing with his toys and the (yellow) ball rolling in, perhaps originating from the ultra-mysterious Room 237 itself.

But what of the tiled circle of squares and triangles surrounding this inner rug area? This has become a symbol of Carrcass-10 itself, enclosing and fixing the spacio-temporal essence of The Shining in a new way. As the movie The Shining takes as its base Stephen King’s source novel of the same name and elaborates upon it, so too does C-10 for the movie. It is a new movie in essence, smaller and leaner and cleaner perhaps. You lose something but you also gain something. This is *not* a replacement for The Shining movie, but an alternate way of looking at it.

We begin the new work, then, with not Wendy Carlos’ “Dies Irae”, a reinterpretation of a Hector Berlioz movement from his essential Symphonie Fantastique, but Petty’s “Running Down a Dream”, a popular late 1980s rock single. The opening visuals remain exactly the same, however: Jack’s yellow VW bug navigating the windy mountain roads leading to the Overlook Hotel. For the beginning of Carrcass-10, we’ve then simply substituted the original soundtrack in the movie for a different “soundtrack”. Does it work? Very much so!

Why the name change from Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers to a different, “variant” name? the reader might ask here. It’s just part of the process: every artist used in a carrcass — and these number now not only the negative valued 10 but many more *positive* valued ones — can earn a variant name as repurposed. They’re allowed that option and also maybe one could call it even an “honor”. Sometimes variant names take a while to develop. Story Room is a recent development, and one that goes so far as to mask even the original band it’s based upon. Story Room and Carrcass-10 are most linked. Story Room is represented by the red of the tiled circle in the above picture. The red aspect most defines the circle — the blue and yellow squares/triangles merely enhance an original idea. So we’re back to the beginning again: who is Story Room?

Story Room is the red figure with the sphere topped body. He’s the boss. He calls the shots. *From* him (or her) emerges two more figures: the yellow, tetahedron masked being we’ve identified with Tom’s Petty High (variant of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers), and then the blue cube topped figure identifed with REM (variant name pending) and lead singer Steptoe Butte (Michael Stipe variant). The new little collage series, also named “Steptoe”, seems to be more about attempting to structure a variant name for REM/Michael Stipe, to follow up on the seeming success of the transformation of Tom Petty and the HB to Tom’s Petty High. The chosen name for Stipe is, first and last name, Steptoe Butte. This comes directly from a very interesting landscape feature of the same name in eastern Washington state, depicted in the distance in the first collage above. Why Steptoe for Michael? Okay, so this was the lead-in: in looking up Stipe in a geographic database, only a handful of entries came up. One was Stipe Cemetery very near Steptoe Butte. So it was examining Stipe Cemetery on maps and photos that led me quickly to this butte. I found it interesting that if you replace the “o” with an “i” in the “Steptoe”, you’d have an anagram of “Stipe”.


Collage 02:

So what happens in Collage 02 of the series is that we move into Stipe Cemetery itself, prompted by a blurb on Michael Stipe uncovered in a search for “Stipe Cemetery” images? I link to this article and the related picture in this blog post below (“Stipe”). Elements of this particular image of Stipe will show up a little later in the series.

Danny of The Shining reappears on the edge of this cemetery. He’s discovered the top of the yellow figure in the preceding collage, hopefully just the tetrahedronal mask and not his whole, mostly buried body (!) Collage 02 actually comes in two parts. As Danny is staring at the golden tetrahedron, it changes, in the resulting animation, into his yellow ball from Collage 00, the one that rolls up to him apparently from the now open Room 237 and seeming to invite him into that sinister lair. What’s this ball now doing in Stipe Cemetery in Washington state?

It seems to have something to do with the fact that in the Shining movie, the hotel manager tells Jack and Wendy at one point that the hotel is built on an old Indian burial ground. In this way, the Washington cemetery of this collage becomes the grounds of the hotel itself, and Danny’s geometric rug transforms into the cemetery’s grassy turf.

The other two members of Story Room look on, blue and red. We’ve already identified the blue being more with Michael Stipe and his REMs, and so perhaps that’s why he comes to the forefront more in a collage based in Stipe Cemetery.

It’s a strange thing, but I realized early on in this collage generating that collages 01, 02, 03 actually run backwards in time, with Collage 03 representing the actual beginning of Carrcass-10/The Shining with Jack’s yellow VW, and Collage 02 a later scene with Danny and the yellow ball and the open Room 237. The two yellow objects, car and ball, become one in the process. Tom’s Petty High takes on the yellow hue because their music is playing now the whole time we see the yellow car driving through the mtns. to the hotel. Danny playing with his toy vehicles later on in the hotel and the yellow ball rolling up (after Jack is awarded the winter caretaker position during the interview he drives to), is a microcosm of the opening — toy vehicles replacing the real ones parked in the hotel lot, and of course, the yellow ball represents the arriving yellow bug or yellow VW.

So in Collage 02, the ball is the VW and the cemetery is the hotel due to the Indian burial ground reference. Why is this Stipe cemetery? Well, it’s because Stipe/REM will factor in two additional tiles of Carrcass-10, just like Tom’s Petty High “before” it. And through this usage, Stipe transforms into Steptoe, a variant name. Clear as mud now, eh?



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Michael Stipe on Space Ghost

Michael’s hatred of “Shiny Happy People” referenced. He shows up 8 minutes in.

Classic. As a lot of Space Ghost was… is.

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Funny Story About 2 Mannequins

… from “The Green Acres Learning Curve” blog of a Whitewright, Texas woman, home of Nazi art thief Joe Meador as mentioned in another of her blog posts (and how I stumbled upon the blog in the first place).

Note: the woman and her husband now own an art gallery and second hand shop in Denison, Ike’s home. It’s called Et Cetera.


Hucka D.:

Don’t you think this blog represents the story book? Er, the scrapbook Jack brings back up to the Colorado Lounge from the boiler room? In the King novel, I mean.


The Green Acres blog is about moving from the big city to small town Whitewright, with its perks and drawbacks both. Unusual landscape/street art comes to the fore. Now she sells it in a compromise mid-size town of Denison. Makes sense. Perhaps I should monitor the shop for articles.

Hucka D.:

Articles. He he.



Whitewright is white, like the white Adler typewriter, pre-boiler room. Denison is Gray(son), post-boiler room.

Hucka D.:

Something to think about.


This is a pretty good collage itself (!) And she has some even better ones later on in that same post.



So’s this…

If Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall Traded Characters in The Shining (1980)


Just some bizarre (and funny) stuff from Martha the mannequin mother.


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Steptoe Series 02




Hucka D., I may call on your help tonight. The Steptoe series is a tough one to analyze.

Hucka D.:

Not really. So in Collage 03 (above) we have the actual start of The Shining film depicted. Jack’s yellow Volkswagen is heading up the Going to the Sun Road in Montana — that’s where it’s shot. But the road has been replaced by the dirt road to Stipe Cemetery in Washington state.


I could have said that!

Hucka D.:

Yes but you didn’t. And now I’m here. So just listen [ basically]. Baker Bloch is front center in the collage. The collage is separated into 2 basic parts, the left side being the entrance to the Stipe Cemetery, and the right the field to its immediate west. There we have a mashup of Jack’s body with Hallorann’s, the African-American person he murdered in the movie (but didn’t in the source novel). And also Danny, don’t you think? That’s Danny’s head that Jack is holding, in effect.


It’s not but it is.

Hucka D.:

Yes. So this mashup of figures deals with all the confusions of The Shining, and Jack as abusing Danny, and Hallorann and Danny’s special shine bonding — an arm appears like a foot. It’s all the confusions of The Shining in one composite. A kind of mess, in a manner. The image started as just Hallorann lying in this field. Then he acquires Jack’s head, and Danny’s head along with it. Danny’s arm subs for one of Hallorann’s legs. It speaks of the intertwined destiny of these 3 characters: Jack is bound to axed Hallorann to death, and Danny is bound to then kill Jack in the maze. It’s all set up beforehand, like a play… like a movie of course. So the right hand side is all this, and the left hand side is the beginning of the movie, all lean and clean and cleared of confusion. Do you know what this is, then?


It’s the beginning of Carrcass-10, the trimmed down version of the film. Clean and lean, or cleaner and leaner.

Hucka D.:

Yes. It’s the same start as the movie visually — Jack Torrance’s yellow bug driving through the huge mountains to the lodge. But it’s — what do you call them?



Hucka D.:

The variant band that plays here.


Oh. Tom’s Petty High. That’s Tom Petty’s variant band.

Hucka D.:

So it’s playing here instead. Just let, as you said I believe, the first of the music fall on the first frame of the film, where we see little Wild Goose Island. So cute. So mirrored. So the yellow bug accompanied by Tom’s Petty Band soundtrack now, a new, different music — not better…


No. Just different. Variant.

Hucka D.:

Yes. That now takes us up to the lodge and Jack’s interview. In your Carrcass-10, you still have part of the interview, the crucial part describing the past axe murders several years back in the hotel. Then you have the start of Story Room.


So the yellow ball Danny finds in the cemetery is the same as his father’s yellow VW bug.

Hucka D.:

Yes. A reinterpretation. A repurposing.


It’s the yellow bug at the hotel, which is the same as this cemetery, going back to the fact that the hotel was built on an Indian burial ground, perhaps.

Hucka D.:

The cemetery is the hotel. And that’s where we first pick up the Shining-Steptoe resonance.


So getting back to Collage 03, we have golfer Tom Kite, who is probably still playing on the senior circuit but who was more famous back in the 80s, I suppose.

Hucka D.:

About the same time as The Shining movie, yes.


He’s center as well, directly in front of Baker Bloch. He’s swinging a club. There’s an odd(er) object in the sky, an “i” shape. Perhaps the golf ball he hits is represented by this.

Hucka D.:

Yes. The golf ball is light.



Hucka D.:

We should… go ahead. You go.


We should probably state that McConnell Cemetery on the sign behind him is the same as Stipe Cemetery. Another variant name?

Hucka D.:

Perhaps. So another Tom — and the Kite part of his name refers to the expression, “high as a kite”. This has to do, then, with Tom’s Petty High again. The song is a drug song. Tom was flying in the car, singing his little Runaway Beach song.

bb (ignoring wrong title of song):

So Tom and the car are inextricably tied together. The golf ball or whatever that is in the sky, is high. The scene on the right, Hucka D., may represent the past of Jack, Danny, and Hallorann, before the events of The Shining movie take place. Jack and Danny already have a history in Boulder and before. Hallorann’s been shining since he was a kid. Jack himself could make a clean start as winter caretaker of the Overlook Hotel. It was a beautiful day and the sun shone down. Everything is flying, clean, different. He’s going to the sun.

Hucka D.:

Good. So we have a new start. Old problems left behind, hopefully. The “i” points up instead of down. But the right part of this collage also speaks of the inevitable doom that lays ahead. Jack-Danny-Hallorann, all bound up with each other in the end. So he’s carrying all this with him, like an impossibly large amount of luggage packed in this little car.


Baker Bloch is attached to the car because it is his Carrcass-10, through me his user.



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Spilling the Beans on The Residents.


According to one source he had one blue and one brown eye.

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